(1) Department of Business Administration, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria
(2) Department of Business Administration, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria
(3) Department of Business Administration, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria

The study investigated the determinants of intentions to quit a bank job in Lagos State. The objectives of this research were to examine impact of employability, Job satisfaction, commitment, Job stress and Organisation citizenship behaviour on turnover intentions among bank employees in Lagos State and to assess the relationship among these variables and employee’s turnover intention. The study adopted a survey research design. Respondents are age ranged between eighteen (18) to fifty-five (55) years and above. Data were obtained with 123 questionnaires administered to bank employees of various banks in Lagos State, using simple random sampling techniques. Six hypotheses were tested in the study and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistical method, multiple regression and pearson’s correlation. Finding from this study showed that the linear combination of employability, satisfaction, commitment, organizational citizenship behavior and job stress on employees turnover intentions was significant with F = 16.757; R = .773, R2 = .598, Adj. R2 = .591; P <. 01. There was also a significant relationship between employability and employees intention to quit with R = -.448, N= 123, P < .01. Similarly, there is a significant relationship between satisfaction and employees Intention to quit with R = - .434, N= 123, P < .01. The study also reveal a significant relationship between commitment and employees intention to quit with R = -.534, N=123, P < .01. The research work further indicated a significant relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and employees intention to quit with R = -.534, N= 123, P < .01. The study also revealed a significant relationship between job stress and employees Intention to quit with R = .634, N= 123, P < .01. Hence, employability, satisfaction, commitment, organizational citizenship behaviour negatively influenced intention to quit while job stress positively influence intention to quit a bank job in the study. The study concluded and recommended that an employee with high level of employability, satisfaction, commitment, organizational citizenship behaviour and less job stress will have less likelihood of intention to quit a bank job in Lagos State. It is therefore concluded and recommended that banks and other organizations should always embark on proactive measure to keep employee’s intention to quit in check by taking consideration of turnover intention determinants to ensure success in the organization.
Employability, Job Satisfaction, Commitment, Job Stress, Organizational Citizenship, Intention to Quit
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