Implications of Exposure to Television Sports Betting Advertisements Among Sports Enthusiasts in Ibadan Metropolis.

C. S. OJO(1),

(1) Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria
Corresponding Author


This study was carried out to determine how the exposure to television advertisements is impacting on sports betting in all its forms, among sports enthusiasts in Ibadan metropolis. Using Purposive Sampling Technique, the researchers chose Ibadan North-West Local Government with headquarters in Dugbe/Onireke out of the five in the cluster of urban local governments in Ibadan Of the 300 copies of questionnaire administered, 266 were completed and returned, a response rate of 89%..  The study was based on theory of Reasoned Action. this study reveals that exposure to television sports betting advertisements sponsored by sports betting companies has a direct influence on sports enthusiasts in Ibadan metropolis. It provides more information about how they can participate in sports betting being promoted and at the same time positions them for countless benefits being offered by the betting brands all of which have mixed impact on the bettors at the end of the day. In the same vein, the study reveals that inability to manage the pain of loss can lead to suicide and suicide ideation from problem gamblers; and the fact that addiction to gambling leads to reduced concentration and interest at work or school and dysfunctional family life for addicts are serious negative implications of sports betting culture among sports enthusiasts in Ibadan metropolis. The study therefore, recommends among others, that Individuals should try to interpret the contents of advertisements and relate it to the existing realities that it is a game of chance so as not to turn betting into a means of livelihood.


Sports Betting, Television, Advertisements, Ibadan Metropolis, Reasoned Action

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