Change Management and Employees’ Performance in the New Normal: A Study of Manufacturing firm in Nigeria.

(1) Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria

This study investigated the effects of change management on employees’ performance in a manufacturing firm in Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design. The target population was 150 employees. A sample size of 110 employees was selected using the taro Yamane sample size determination and a proportional sampling technique was used to select employees across six departments in the selected manufacturing firm. Primary data was collected using questionnaires. Analysis was done using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.The result of hypothesis formulated revealed that there is positive relationship between Change Implementationand employee performance with the correlation coefficient of(R) = 0.682 and coefficient of determination (R square) of 0.465. The result of the study also revealed that there is positive relationship between Change Adoptionand employee performance with the coefficient of with the coefficient of(R)= 0.722 and coefficient of determination (R square of) 0.521. Lastly, the result of the study also revealed that there is a positive relationship between Communication Methodand employee performance with the correlation coefficient (R) = 0.698 and coefficient of determination (R square)of 0.487. The study concluded that change management has a significant effect on employee performance in the selected manufacturing firm in Nigeria. The study recommended that since there is a significant effect of change management on employee performance, managers should create a vision and a plan for change, prepare the organization for change as well as analysing results and review progress. This would enable better performance from the employees.
Change Management, Change Implementation Change Adoption, Communication Method, Employee Performance
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