Paul A. AKANBI(1), Tolulope C. ADEYEYE(2),

(1) Department of Business Administration, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria
(2) Department of Business Adminstration, Faculty of Commerce, University of Estiwani, Swaziland
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The role that knowledge management plays in organizational performance and gaining sustainable competitive advantage cannot be ignored by organizations. The study explored the connection between knowledge management and perceived organizational performance in Dana Group of Companies, Lagos. The objectives of this research work were to determine the association between knowledge discovery and perceived organizational performance and the relationship between knowledge capture and perceived organizational performance. It is also aimed at ascertaining the nexus between knowledge sharing and perceived organizational performance as well as the link between knowledge application and organizational performance. The study employed survey research. Primary data was used for the study with questionnaires as research instruments. The subjects of the study were one hundred and forty nine employees of Dana Group of Companies, Lagos. The participants for this study were selected using stratified random technique. The hypotheses formulated for the study were tested using Pearson’s Correlation. Findings from the study revealed there is a significant relationship between Knowledge discovery and organizational performance (r = .327**, N= 149, P < .01). The research indicated a there is a significant relationship between Knowledge capture and organizational performance (r = -.310**, N= 149, P < .01). The study showed a significant relationship between Knowledge sharing and organizational performance (r = .321**, N= 149, P < .01). There was also a significant relationship between Knowledge application and organizational performance (r = .440**, N= 149, P < .01).The study concluded and recommended that special attention should be paid to the relatively strong relationship between knowledge management and organizational performance in order for firms to gain sustainable competitive advantage.


Knowledge management, Knowledge discovery, Knowledge capture, Knowledge sharing, Knowledge application, Perceived organizational performance

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