Implications of Exposure to Television Sports Betting Advertisements Among Sports Enthusiasts in Ibadan Metropolis.

C. S. OJO(1),

(1) Department of Economics, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria
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This study was carried out to investigate the influence of television advertisements on children pester power, using Ribena and Capri-sun beverages as case studies; with a view to answering the research questions: Do children recollect the television advertisements that they are exposed to and whether they nag or pester their parents for the advertised products? The study was based on two theories: the Social Learning Theory and Elaborate Likelihood Model/Theory. Focus Group Discussion was adopted as the method of the study. Using purposive sampling technique, pupils of Ajayi Crowther University Staff School, Oyo, southwest Nigeria, were the population of study. 10 participants each were selected for the three discussion groups, making a total of 30 sample size. Findings revealed that children pester their parents to purchase products whose advertisements they have been exposed to on television, subsequent on which they consume the products and form their opinion about the products. Majority of the subjects were aware of the products and have been exposed to their commercials, although their recallability of the products’ commercials was poor owing to varied reasons. Also, findings affirmed that there is a link between the exposure of the children to the commercials of Ribena and Capri-sun; and their demand and pestering for the products. To this end, the study concludes that television advertisements are great tools for influencing children’s demand for products as evident in the result obtained. The study therefore, recommends that advertisers should be consistent with the production of television advertisements to aid children recollection of their brands and; to design advertisements that appeal to their choice since they exert great influence on the family’s purchase decisions.


Advertisement, Beverage, Children Influence, Pester Power, Television

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